Tag: money

  • Expensive wine does taste better.

    Expensive wine does taste better.

    When wine lovers drink wine they believe to be expensive, blood oxygen increases in the area of the brain concerned with feeling pleasure. This was shown in research by Plassman et al in 2008. The wine actually tastes better to them just because they think it is expensive and therefore believe it is good quality.…

  • Just the thought of money makes us unsociable

    Just the thought of money makes us unsociable

    Money makes us unsociable Just the thought of money makes us more insular, more unsociable, and makes us want to be more independent. Kathleen Vohs et al conducted various experiments to study the way people’s behaviour changes when they have money on their minds. One of my favourites had participants fill out a form in…

  • You should pay people less to lie

    You should pay people less to lie

    In 1959 Festinger and Carlsmith asked the participants in their experiment to complete an extremely boring couple of tasks for an hour. Each participant was then offered money to lie to the next one and say that they would find the task really interesting and enjoyable. They were offered either $1 or $20. After they…